John Pickering

Extending Biosemiotics The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis also extends the role of biosemiotics. This paper will seek to extend it further, both to the metaphysics of C. S. Peirce and A. […]


Massimo Cerizza

In praise of Brainwaves as Tissue. A biosemiotic perspective Until discovery of telescopes Saturn was thought, by proto-scientists, to be the last planet of our solar system. Equally nowadays, in […]

Nicola Zengiaro

Ecosemiotics between matter and life: starting from John Deely’s interpretation of semiotic scaffolding The presentation is an extension of the arguments proposed by John Deely in his article “Building a […]

Aleksei Turovski

An attempt at a semiotic approach to animal play and joking Play in the animal kingdom is an extremely widespread phenomenon, most studied in higher vertebrates (birds and mammals), but […]

Morten Tønnessen

A biosemiotic perspective on the human condition and the environmental crisis In this presentation I will present the book chapter “A biosemiotic perspective on the human condition and the environmental […]

Mikhail Ilyin & Nikolai Skipin

The thresholds for extending the evolutionary synthesis: How far can we go? The research project “Methodological design of extended evolutionary synthesis: interdisciplinary framework for social and life sciences” (Russian Science […]

Alexei Sharov

Semiotics of potential meanings Because semiosis is coextensive with living and life-dependent semiotic agents, meanings (relations of entities to something else that is significant for agents) exist only on condition […]

Michael Yudanin

Discursivity and semiotic complexity as driving the shape of animal choice and human freedom Biosemiotics, it seems, holds the key not only to understanding life but also to one of […]

Hongbing Yu

Danger Modeling: Meaning-generation in Three Dimensions In the struggle for existence, any known species of organisms must avert danger to ensure survival. To do that, they need to identify—or model—it […]

Liqian Zhou & Qiufen Sun

More constraints, more freedom: Revisiting semiotic scaffolding, semiotic freedom, and semiotic emergence Technically, constraint is defined as the reduction of degree of freedom. However, novelties emerge in dynamic systems with […]