21st Annual Gatherings in Biosemiotics
July 26-29, 2021

Gatherings in Biosemiotics is the annual meeting for the study of sign processes in life processes.
Researchers interested in the intersection of meaning-making and biology are the backbone of our interdisciplinary undertaking, and we welcome thoughtful submissions from scholars in any discipline relevant to a deeper understanding of the role of signs in life.
Please visit https://www.2021biosemioticsgatherings.com to register and see the full program and other information.
Held under the auspices of the International Society for Biosemiotic Studies, the Society has decided that, due to the ongoing uncertainties of the current Covid-19 situation, we must be maximally flexible in our arrangements this year. Accordingly, we will be attempting to host a hybrid conference with that will take place primarily online, with the possibility of a small in-person component in Stockholm, Sweden in conjunction with Nora Bateson and the Bateson Institute, for those participants who wish to, and are able to, travel there. The dates for the conference will be Monday July 26 to Thursday July 29, and more information about both the online and the in-person component will be made public when they become available.
All talks will be schedule for 30 minutes, including Q&A discussion time, to be apportioned however you see fit. We particularly welcome conference presentations in the following research areas:
· Biosemiotic approaches to biology
· The implications of biosemiotics to philosophy and the humanities
· History and epistemology of biosemiotics
· Semiotic approaches in theoretical biology
· Evolution and ontogeny of semiotic mechanisms
· Modelling of semiosis and semiotic networks
· Endosemiotics
· Interspecies semiosis
· Experimental biosemiotics
· Ecosemiotics
· Biosemiotics of health and disease
· Umwelt studies and phenomenology
· Cultural implications of biosemiotics
Additional information about the Gathering can be found at: Â https://www.2021biosemioticsgatherings.com/
Looking forward to seeing you at the Gatherings!
The Organizing Committee of the 21st Annual Gatherings in Biosemiotics